WOW! the 24th. Just ask Harmana Torres, I couldnt stop talking about it. I am so glad you all had fun, and that the reunion was a SUCCESS!!
Ok, our investigators. . . . We actually have TWO BAPTIZMS THIS SATURDAY!!! :D
Ezequel, who is an amazing 16 year old, and is very strong in the faith for having encountered it for only a month. His mom, Marisol wants so badly to be baptized but needs to be married first. They investigated about five years ago or so, and had no interest then. Now Ezequel is progressing so much so fast! He´s an example to his friends and is attending the activities por los Jovenes. I hope and pray con todo mi corazon que he keeps growing this way and continues till he serves a mission . . . and beyond! He´s so excited. I had the worst dream about him last night though, scared me half to death, but it´s all ok. No preocupe.
Our other baptism is a man of 26 años Horacio. He is the cousin of our recent convert Martin. Horacio told us Sunday before last that he didn't want to meet with us for a while and that if he decided to be baptized it would be a matter of time. We had a lesson about missionary work with Martin the following Thursday and Horacio happened to be there. He told us that kpas he would come to church on Sunday so we could announce his baptism for the following Saturday . . . . . needless to say this blew our minds! And then to see him in the Gospel Principals class on Sunday . . . . :D AH!!!! Turns out that after he had turned the gospel away that last Sunday he felt empty, and wanted to have the gospel back in his life and never let it leave. He made the decision to be baptized and will be baptized by the Bishop this Saturday.
Hermana. Torres served in Barrio 4!! Mike that´s so COOL!! The son of our mission president served there for a time as well. Would you happen to know an Elder Heyman?
Hermana. Torres will be leaving in about two weeks at our next transfer. This next transfer will be a nerve wracking one to say the least. There is a strong chance that I will be taking over the area and possibly . . . training and ah... I am not entirely sure I´m ready for that. . . I know so little of the language and the area that I feel very inadequate but I shouldn't feel this way cause if the Lord needs me to do something there´s no way I won't succeed. I was not called to Argentina to fail!!!
Love you all!! Quidence! Chao!!
Hermana A. Johansen