Saturday, March 29, 2014

¡Bienvenidos ....

HE¨S SO CUTE! Marci and Neal, well done. He´s adorable and I can´t wait to meat him! I can´t believe he´ll be five months almost to the day when that happens, he´s gonna be so big! Him and Ashton, wow! 

Just so ya know, this keyboard is really sticky so if my spelling sucks today that´s why, not because I don't remember to spell in English ;)

There is so much to say that it´s kinda just flying everywhere and I don´t know exactly where to start. Um . . . Clorinda is a good hour or two out of here, and we get to see them for conferences and stuff like that. I thought that would have to be where Mike was! I love it when I'm right. My MTC Comp Hermana Bateman is now in my district!! We did divisiones with her and her comp the other day, I went with her comp, but it´s wonderful to see how much she´s changed since last year and how much we've progressed as missionaries. She´s a rockin missionary and I love being able to see her so often. 

Hermana Medina is really funny and pretty cool. She teaches well and is really good at taking control of situations when they slip out of my hands. She´s a medical student and we've got a lot more in common than we thought we did when we did divisiones in Corrientes. 

I´m adjusting to Formosa. I'm used to seeing the from Formosa to Corrientes, not Corrientes to Formosa. I´m learning how someone really can have 16 or close to it investigators in one week. A lot of the 11 that we found last week haven´t hang around much cause some of them are old or are hard to find again. One of our investigators made it to church but surprised us and left in the first fifteen minutes! We went after him to see what the deal was and he told us that he had to go to work . We went to find him the doors were closed to the chapel and they wouldn't let us back in so We MISSED THE SACRAMENT, I wasn't all that happy about that, but luckily our bishop is a wonderful man and let us take it after the meeting.

The people here are a lot nicer than they are in Corrientes and actually give you the time of day, but instead of Gouchitto Gil everywhere, you find the Divino Niño We have a couple good investigators, we have Maria, Ailen and Juaquin. Juaquin is a cute little ten year old who had the biggest testimony in the world, his mom is a recent convert and has troubles making the sacrifice to get to church. The elders would pay for their three peso bus pass to get to church and we think that´s been a big thing that´s kept them form going consistently. Maria is a cute mom, her 2 year old daughter eats paper, and is trying to get married and get the grove of the word of wisdom. Ailen is 19 and loves youth groups and knows how much they help, and has a testimony of prayer, She´s a really nice girl and we think she has potential, she actually communicates with us when we can´t find her. which is always good.

We found a member knocking doors the other day. She was baptized when she was thirteen and hasn't been to church since her mom died. Her dad died a long time before that and so she had to work and go to school a ton to support her six siblings. She saw us walking the other day and wanted to know what church we were from, then she was praying about an hour before we came to her door asking what she needed to do to come back and to have more peace in her life and then we came to the door. We prayed with her before we left and she was crying cause she was so happy.

That´s cool that i got to speak with Elders McClellen, Riddle, and Bailey! Hope they´re doing well. 

Welp . . . . I think that´s all Folks . . . for this week.

Take care! Read your scriptures and be the answer to someone´s prayers.

Love you all!
Hermana A Johansen

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